Valley Amateur Radio Club
( Sponsoring Amateur Radio In Northern N.Y. )
Automatic Positioning Reporting System
The ST. Lawrence County and NNY APRS system.
Last fall a few members of the Oswegatchie Valley Amateur Radio Club decided to set up an APRS network in the North Country. Our plan was to install a couple digipeaters in the area and try to get others interested in this mode of communications. KA2MHZ and WA2NAN were the first two stations on locally and installed two digi's, one at the FINE repeater site, WA2NAN-1 and one in Gouverneur at the Radio Shack store, KA2MHZ-1. We settled on using the UIDIGI firmware as it can be run as a stand-alone without the need for a computer. KA2JXI burned the necessary EPROMS for the project. We now have three more digi's, one at K2SLC-1 at the EOC in Canton, one at the qth of member KC2HGK in Casterland, and soon to be N4TW-1 at Barnes Corners near Copenhagen. Other local stations on board at this time are W2NVW, KA2JXI, KC2HGK, KF2GC, N2MX and WZ2T. Several others are coming aboard soon. The ARES - RACES group is in the process of incorporating APRS into the County Emergency Plan. If you might be interested in trying APRS contact any of the stations listed for more information.
There are lots of sites on the web that offer information and software. The most popular software at this time is UI-VIEW32 which is free although you must register it. Once you register the program you will be given a serial number to use. You can find this software at http://www.uiview.org once there, look for UIVIEW32 full download. If you need help with setup, contact WA2NAN or KA2MHZ.
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